
beats by dre a monster and is fie

Chapter 947 leaves to halt ground
At halt ground surroundings 3,000,000 in inside, all be regarded as safe district, 3,000,000 insides to the common run of people, unreachable, can not sail across, but for build the self-discipline of thing state to say, that not calculate what faraway distance.With the speed that the summer talks now, a breath time, then can easily cross over the ground of a long distance, ten breath time, would be ten thousand insides.And if the use move in a sudden, the speed then is faster.
Pondered a short moment, the summer talked a look in the eyes to strain Shan, to soil dog way, "our circumstance to this there are no too many cognition, straight-tempered at will see in the surroundings, caution some is"
The summer in nowadays talks, there is also the means to is many to protect a life, even if running into building of palace lord Class the thing is strong, can also think the way succeed in escaping from it.Because the summer talks continuously strengthening of the oneself real strenght and work properly a few magical powers in the Luo's heart method of Wei ability, also continuously enlarge.Suppose talk now summer if use big gravity Shu, that even if is a palace lord Class of strong, want all is very greatly influenced
"Okay, host" soil dog Mi rises eyes and orders a furry and gray head way.
One person's one dog soon then left evil boundary of Lang to hunt halting of field ground outside the boundary, facing a directions quickly leaped far go to, one slice region one Shan but die.This of the sky, continuously the transformation wears a color, a short while presents for the red red, a short while again present be yellow for soil.The summer talks to read oneself's a wisp of idea to explore, caution on the alert and around counts the whole situations in a long distance.
Is very quick, be apart from a summer to talk and the soil dog leave to halt ground and have already passed by one Zhu joss-stick of time.Now one person's one dog the position of place, is at a huge matchless spacious and silvery river on, the billowing flowing water sends out of bellow voice, stream into a summer to talk with soil dog ear border.
"Here not Kui is lord world the battlefield of big world"
The summer speech lowers oneself's airspeed, thinking of some sobs
This flies to come over all the way, although still just the Lang evil boundary boundary outside halt inside a ground of safe district, also saw the white corpse that many self - disciplines leave.Not only such, it is the large corpse that works properly a monster and is fierce to a monster to have some to imitate a Buddha, also the ability occasionally sees on the ground.
The strong that builds thing state, the skeleton is very tough and resilient, under the natural condition, are probably all not completely putrefied and corrupt for ten thousand years few ten thousand yearses.The corpses seen for talking summer, probably all is have already departed from this life the self-discipline in ten thousand years.
Even if such, summer's talking an ability is tiny to tinily feel, that kind of the everywhere fill the air of fighting and miserable idea
"This, exactly have much big?"
Looking at afar to turn to think for the horizon in gray, summer talking heart winning not from.The soil dog stops in summer and talks nearby, look in the eyes in, but is show unintentionally a kind of special air.
"Host, I seemed to be ever to come to lead here" soil dog suddenly says to the speech in summer.
The summer speech gets a shock, the look in the eyes favour sees toward the soil dog of one side.
"I don't know as well why, but when I see the situation here, then in mind have a kind of familiar felling, once acquainted with."The soil dog shakes and produces a sound.
"This how may?Soil dog, you follow behind me to arrive at a lord world.Before, you and I left to divide a world in the light, I discovered you for the first time of time, you were still very small and weak, how may you come to the hunting field outside the boundary of this lord world?"The summer talks unimaginable incredible say.
This sounds, really fantastic.But look, soil dog again very earnest attitude.
"I also not clear ah" soil dog flutters head and resume a Zi tooth again the shape of mouth.
At by this time, the summer talks suddenly heart to living Jing trillion and feel that someone intrudes into his/her own warnning outer circle inside.In the heart on sinking, the summer talks of mind, condense more that direction, respond to intrude into of self-discipline.
The summer of"is two people just at rapid of close to us" talks eyebrows a wrinkly say.
The summer of"speed soon, the bearer real strenght is very strong, should from halt ground to there come over of" talks a look in the eyes to see toward the direction that undulates to spread and guess in the heart exactly is what person.
"Host, can't be that what star Luo the person of the big world come to seek you revenge of?"Soil dog eyes stare a big way.
"Should can't?Still keep halting a ground of safe district here, if have already fought occurrence, that self-discipline affirmation that halts inside the ground will understand.Those star Luo the self-discipline of the big world, even if want to kill me, should also wait I to leave evil boundary of Lang to halt a ground of safe district to begin again ah"the summer talk just a little wrinkly eyebrows, deliberate in the heart.
"Yi?Two self - disciplines in"the summer talks and apprehensives a , "s unexpectedly turned a direction now,not was hurtling us of?"
The idea that the summer talks is reading, those two jet of gas interests fly off at a tangent a direction, and facing another directions gradually and far goes.
The summer of"soil dog, we continue to go straight up" talks noodles to permit a to sink, to soil dog way.
One person's one dog again and quickly flies.Two shadows, at horizon on, once rowed a ray, disappeared in the unreal.
"Hum, indeed as expected is hurtling us come of, does this for a while have been following us" led for tea time again, summer's talking had been able to make sure, and those two jet of gas interests really follow himself/herself and soil dog.
And, these two jet of gas interests not and directly hurtle to come up and seem the speech of fearing the summer and discover their traces.
The summer of"I understood, is to want to wait we to leave safe district, then the opportunity to seek kill us" talks a corner of mouth tiny up, cold say with a smile.
"Host,beats by dre, that we now how do?"The soil dog is slanting head to ask a way.
The summer of"since is hurtling us come of, I see, they exactly are what person soil dog, we prepare to move over there in a sudden" talks look in the eyes one Shan, the together naked Shan shoots but, the gold color in the body works properly dint, tiny tinily flow out a body form.
Soon after after, the summer talks with soil dog, then and thoroughly disappear in this one space, this one space, the ripple that leave one to work properly dint formation.
2 breathes time
The summer talks to present from the unreal but, then saw two shadow of human figures, is exactly two self - disciplines of that star Luo's boundary, one wears blue full-length gown, one wears black full-length gown.That blue full-length gown self-discipline, have already attained a palace lord the real strenght of the Class, no trivial matter.
"Indeed as expected is these 2 people, hum, want to kill me, can be not and so easy" summer speech sneered at a , again move to go out in a sudden right away, the in a flash then crosses to count far a long distance and arrived to count a long distance outside
"This boy unexpectedly discovered we" black tunic self-discipline, distance still cloud by this time knit the brows to say.
Distance still cloud and is 2 people to the Huang, hurtle a summer to talk really just with the soil dog is since then.In fact the summer talked to leave to halt ground with soil dog just, these 2 people then heel come up.
BE halting inside the safe district of a ground of surroundings, the definite heart of these 2 people saves to have scruples about, don't dare to directly begin to the speech in summer.They always with talk in summer and the soil dog hope to wait until a summer to talk after death with soil dog safe district, again the opportunity to look for talk summer and soil dog done in complete secrecy shot to kill.
But is to don't think, be unexpectedly talked by the summer and discover.
"Detection again how, we catch up this boy and directly discarded him greatly not, we after the shot kills him, return to the star Luo's boundary right away.That Lang evil boundary of strong again severe, dare to also arrive our star Luo's boundary to act boorishly?"Huming toward the cold Huang is a , enraged of to distance still cloud say.
Still"not the ability is reckless to kill the opportunity of this boy, can slowly wait for, I don't believe him can always in this safe district" distance cloud saw is 1 to the Huang.
"That we follow this boy, visit his safe district not" nods to say to the Huang point.
Two figures, the glory is one Shan, then disappear in this one unreal, the facing summer talked to make track for up with soil dog.
"This boy, speed how such of quick?"
Is very quick, distance still cloud knit the brows to interrogatively say again.
He now although can also respond the breathing that the summer talks,discover, oneself and chase to the Huang full speed,do not can draw near distance.Even if use moment ambulation, there is also no progress.
"Is damned, this boy self-discipline what Mi don't the method become?"Also sink a voice to say to the Huang.
"Hey Hey, this direction boy go now, but always the facing Lang evil boundary halt the safe district of ground to outside fly to of.Shine on speed like this, can not use how long, they will leave this safe district when the time comes, the our opportunity to seek kills them in brief many."Distance still cloud suddenly the noodles permit a to smile, some pleased way.
"H'm?"To Huang tiny tiny one Leng, and then face up also show a smiling face, " right, indeed as expected such, the summer talks this boy, unexpectedly at from try to commit suicide road.Discover us making track for shot he, but active facing outside in the safe district flies."
2 people are rapid to urge to work properly dint, promote the speed to the extreme limit, tightly follow the summer that the front responds to talk and soil dog breathing.
The "the doll is these two old guys, have been making track for us" soil dog roars repeatedly a way.
"Two old bastards, true shameless" soil dog four hoofs quickly and in the sky pick to pull, the body arrives extreme limit quickly and far and far has a liking for to go, seem the ray of light in a gray.
The summer speech also keeps just about speed to only talk about speed with soil dog, before summer's talking has never stepped to go into to build thing state, the summer talks a not equal to soil dog.But now, summer's talking is even if the speed that keeps now, didn't attain extreme limit.
"Is damned, wait this dog Ye then has been transmuted at a time, must live these two old things to bite dead" soil dog Ao Ao yells to shout loudly, however speed didn't the slightest reduce slowly.
The summer talks but is to smile to smile to say, "need not worry, I have way to fling off them, now is to tease them for fun just"
In the eyes that the summer talks, two golden light are tiny to strain Shan, body form on, in fine threads continuously of gold color glory continuously of inflation constringency, seem is breathing generally.
"Here, will safe district" summer speech once computes distance, knew will soon the safe district that halt ground, go toward front again, would be to step into real battlefield, may run into some strong enemies.Certainly, the hunting field outside the boundary is very huge, in a short time's running into an enemy all to lead isn't big either
"The soil dog noticed, we wanted to move a big scope in a sudden this time of, directly jump the feeling of one those two old guys to know scope" summer speech turns eyes, Ning voice to soil dog way.
"Like to fling off these two old things quickly well and quickly, they have been following behind and make me uncomfortable" soil dog orders head in response to the way right away.
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