
cnn g ovum of I am poor

However I prohibit to have increment, we two one people half like, design to produce 500,000 tons of cement workses for a year."
"Elder sister,Facebook, do you have no money?"
"Is not money the problem of money not, again go toward big the hurl produce and invest double to add, but again how invest, we also have no two hundred million hurl produce whole day yield to attain the big factory of 5,000 tons, could not reach the standard of rules in the nation."Li Ying obviously deep consideration, " this is finally illegal, we can not hit all money in my noodles and make the small first, waited to earn money and saw situation again but settle."
21 sides walk part to say and see reservoir.Turned over to climb mountain Ao, the reservoir falls at at present.Isn't a very big reservoir, and also have no Xu full water, but if the supply cement works is used, that is the Cuo Cuo enough to spare.
And, if the cement works can really attain standard in the nation, this reservoir retains water to still have a potential, the dam radicle can enlarge to add Gao, can also usher in water of the small sand river.
"Elder sister, I seek the village master of Xia mountain village first set the set is almost."The happy son smiles, " Xia mountain village is that we are here the poorest village, person in the village marries a wife all difficulty, having no woman would like to marry here.Village master, Ma Chang, knows, the home is very also poor, we come to set up cement works here, doesn't his chin still smile to fall?"
Xia mountain village at mountain nest inside, stone mountain many farm lands are little, have a meal all difficult, how many years Jie not poor hat.
"H'm, set set almost can, not be telling him our purposes first."
As they are returning to Xia mountain village, the car stops the outside of the meeting at the village Wei.The village Wei of Xia mountain village will be the house of best Xia mountain village, but compare with coming of pottery sand village to also differ a lot.The car around rounded a heap of child.Just right village master's horse is long from the village Wei will in come out.
Village master horse is also seeing village Wei will outside stop small car just come over and see, also think that the person that is in the town came.But see arrive a so beautiful small car, his understanding is a sand joy son of, whole towns also only the sand joy son contain good car like this, town inside also have no
They are together village masters, he realizes sand joy son.Just the person is more infuriating than person, he which can enjoy son with sand to compare?The other people are big owners to be a village master, while he is poor ovum dynasty sky, wrap an inside to seldom have a few money.
"Village master horse, you good how are you."
Once the happy son see Ma Chang, immediately walk pass by.Ma Chang's some fellings that receive great favors to frighten, the favour once connected to enjoy son to pass past smoke.His light wears back, wore shorts.Last body black You You of, be insolated by the sun whole is oil sweat.

The poor people Ma Chang's hair of the text chapter 186
Renew time:2009-12-39:31:17 chapter word numbers:3631

Is long to grow person, Gao Ma Da Dun, , but be have no how much meat, on the face such as the knife pare off however look the appearance of very emollient quantity.The head is still like grass, up be stained with the thing like some grass end sons.78 year old appearances, the hand is like tree branch, thick and big.
He is really actually at of poor people.The home brothers is five, and 2 didn't get married.Shine on to like this descend to go now, two brotherses that didn't get married don't also want to be married.Want a house to have no a house, money has no money, is a food can eat as well hungry deathless.He is the eldest brother of home, once served as soldier, after coming back oneself marry wife, again whole family bottom dint just give nether of two brotherses three brotherses married a wife and saw minimum brothers also 25 years old, this was an absolute big age in the village.
Result in thus the reason of the territory ground only a word is "poor".
Xia mountain the village is poor, far near be known for.Is poor no one is a village staff, the all going out of the emollient spirit did a part-time job, now village staff he only has an old secretary, besides which, , a women and persons allow and pay a book village master a carry on the shoulder.Pay a book, he has to do, because the whole villageses only have him a veteran, party member, can not find the second party member again.Village master nobody stem, also have to part-time.
Need not see the another, see mountain nest in of the village know here of Be getting poorer, there is no a cement house, the mire wall black tile building also all breaks ragged lousy of, just unwillingly prop up to live.Descend sand river in the ash mountain>of southern noodles but go, drink water here whole depend water well.Drink water not a problem, but farmland irrigation become problem.
The big part is a dry land here.A small drain in village flow to drip, people also call a small river.Only village head ground spring through long not the interest ground flow to drip, again have no another headwaters.
Have the eye big pond in village, but is also a stagnant water, just built one with the drain again small pond ditch, person in the village does laundry whole depend it.
"The sand of the dog ovum enjoys son, you the big owner run our this poor gully inside to dry?"
Ma Chang sees joy son, full face happy expression.Now whole towns which don't envy sand joy son?Open a village master meeting of time, have no which not to sand joy the son in front gather together and say to glue some luck in making money.
"Eldest brother horse comes and smokes first,cnn."The happy son doesn't take out too good smoke as well, but gold white the sand want to take out ground, however gold white the sand Be long to horse to come to say, that was the best.While taking out drought smoke under the general circumstance, only going out, he just buys triangle and pentagonal smoke Chuai in the dress packs and pack.
"Dog ovum ground propertied class.To the utmost smoked."
Ma Chang smiles to scold to enjoy son.
"Eldest brother horse.Is this also a good smoke?This was the public's smoke.Walk out none of those owners to connect thus ground smoke."The happy son opens a car door.It puts a smoke in the car.Still remain 6 packs.Take out to all hand over to Ma Chang."Come.This calculated your ground."
"E ……this how not bashful?A wrap ten dollars.6 pack 60 piece.Enough a month ground in my house is getting more living."Ma Chang pushes to refuse."This can not accept."
"Eldest brother horse.You dog ovum ground is really also.This isn't the idea to buy land especially.You take taking out the ground for propertied class ground."The happy son plank rises face."Propertied class ground smoke.Don't take out white not to take out."
Ma Chang roars with laughter.
"Like, the smoke of this property rank I received."Ma Chang Zhou knit the brows, " you joy son the owner from afar run to our Xia mountain village, I always need to invite you to have a meal be not, just ……really have no real jam, there is more no wine, really ashamed invite you, dog ovum of I am poor, poor dead."
The happy son knows that he says that the ground is true words.The villagers stays a person to have a meal, don't say vegetables and always need to see some Hun Xing, otherwise is a gift number the week is not.Don't be good friends with wine, but the total important point wine is just reasonable.Have no vegetables to have no wine of, that still rather doesn't stay a person to have a meal.Ma Chang is also to actually sink a person, poor is poor, don't puff oneself up to one's own cost.
Li Ying sits in the car and silently looking at to enjoy son and Ma Chang's conversation.A lot of children surround car, the Ji Ji Zha Zha ground ground, a lot of still curiously looking at her,google.They have never seen a so beautiful person.
"Eldest brother horse walks, I invite you to drink."Happy the son smile, " goes to in the town, I again shout bureau chief, well drink one set."
"That how not bashful?"
Ma Chang's pouring is to have intention to, Be just not so good meaning.Happy the son arrived his site, he had never pleased happy the son drink and on the contrary want to enjoy son to invite him to drink, some on the face bottom not.However, he also really thinks with enjoy son and big gun to associate, joy son and top of relation good, that puts clearly.
"Walk, get on the car, how be like an old woman Niang similar.
"That ……that I wear a clothes, ha ha ……you see me like this, the light wears back, beat barefoot, how not bashful go to a town inside?"
"Like, do I wait you."
Ma Chang went home and enjoyed son to sit to in the car.
"The elder sister there is Ma Chang, our businesses do so much many."The happy son smiles, " is poor here, we come to open factory, do they clap hands to welcome."
"H'm, you now is more and more will handle affairs."1* ⑹s$k $small%say 手&机!站w&a p&.⑴ *&⑹ & k .C& N sorting Li Ying smiled to smile, "wait a meeting, I send to you in the town, your man drinks, and I didn't interrupt and waited you to drank me then pick you up.You have to drink not to be driving."
Thank a big gun horse Related articles:

