
www.beats4monster.co.uk lds a winter plum ge

Not is say piece truly in the smoked breeze Ge so on making, I this wine still really not say."
Zhang Yun Ling looking at me to smile and said:"However I hear the wine of the enemy landlord in nowadays in the middle of being very fierce on the market, hasing many wine shops all the someone roll call wants this wine."
The time that says this, Zhang Yun Ling peeped out mysterious on smiling, the of speech seems and is suggesting what.Mama of!Is dark to scold a way in my heart, this old fox must be see out all of this is I do of.
Although heart in seem to this the omniscient old fox disgusts of pole, but I still keep saying with a smile:"I have already had viewpoint to the perfume ground sale."
The shape with interested in look of Zhang Yun Ling.He looking at me to say:"Say to listen to, don't know that the enemy landlord has this time what unusual way, the old man expects very much."
I saw one eye Zhang Yun Ling, then say:"Time of young Zhang Lao's landlord definitely once patronized Huaihe Qin.Don't know Zhang Lao landlord to my ground how does the woman feel?"
Zhang Yun Ling the slightest has no ashamed, but the answer says:"Huaihe Qin's woman says with the words of those bookmen, be what ice muscle jade bone, return to Mou a smile 100 Meis to living.However in my eyes, Huaihe Qin's women all have a characteristics, that is water to work properly!A piano chess the calligraphy and painting have no not Jing.It wased really regrettable."
Zhang Yun Ling's seeming is to fall to go into the recollection to the things of the past.Appeared one on the face silk perplexed air, I didn't realize and just immediately after said:"Zhang Lao's landlord can have ever been to recently?"
Zhang Yun Ling saw my one eye, then said:"I am getting older!Where be like your enemy landlord, young is good!That place go to impending, I now a big tossing about of age motionless."
"If say that Huaihe Qin holds a winter plum general assembly, you can't the old meeting have interest to see?"
"Winter plum general assembly?You say of the idea is very good, I once heard Huaihe Qin as well before those had a ground flower ship, all would be an in in spring holding of every year what meeting to display himself/herself.However this winter plum general assembly I still keep first hearing, old man's pouring is to pretty have interest, can't be that you want to hold over there?!"
Looking at the consternation of the one face of Zhang Yun Ling, a burst of happy in my heart, heart way:You this old fox finally also has the time to miscalculate, however is superficial I still saying of smiling face ambiguity:"No matter who sponsor, Zhang Lao's landlord your imagination will have when the time comes how much of does the merchant prince join a crowd for fun to there?If say that we are in that winter plum general assembly full general us of the things Be all bright to come out, what effect do you say to have?"
My words obviously is a to Zhang Yun Ling the earth to pound at very much.Sees he knit the brows to contemplate, lead in a short while just open mouth to ask a way:"You say it's a little bit thinner."
I start to carry handy cup, then looking at Zhang Yun Ling to say:"For example say this tea, Zhang Lao's landlord you can take out the new tea that you prepare this year, then be telling present merchant prince.Say this to is Zhang Jia's new tea this year, the businessman who be present is to the point to settle not to be suffused with a tea company, in this way the new tea had a public praise, I believe not to wait winter plum general assembly be over,www.beats4monster.co.uk, and the business coming found out you."
Zhang Yun Ling deliberated for a while, then just a little had a little difficult color ground to say:"But the winter plum general assembly is after all a smoke to spend it flows of affair, we ground business get there, it isn't to is a bit not satisfactory?"
I shook to shake head and said:"The ground of smoke flower again how, so many romantic text privates, not just wander about unhurriedly of flower bush, the joy doesn't want to go home, and we are to let everyone to the new tea and taste for a while and haven't satisfactory?And the quality of the thing is one thing, but sells very and not and very to still need to see how your publicity is."
Zhang Yun Ling faces me, then says:"Say so to come, is the enemy landlord also putting the perfume to in that winter plum general assembly, publicizeeing?"
Zhang Yun Ling seems to see appearance towards coming out to ground from my it being canning hardly for this phrase to accept, however, he still kept comprehending the meaning that I talk.
I order, then looking at Zhang Yun Ling to say:"Like Zhang Lao's landlord you help at under sale wine similar, piece the wine that truly say that Zhang Lao's landlord likes me, result many people come to buy right away, if you say that Huaihe Qin really holds a winter plum general assembly of, we issue an award for the winter plum that wins, I want to could not use for a month, the territory of the big Ming Dynasty ascends as long as is someone's place and then will have the hearsay concerning perfume."
Hear I make reference to here, Zhang Yun Ling like be aroused interest, he sat to keep body and said:"When the time comes, you make you giving out that winter plum these perfume."
I order, then say with a smile:"Does the so good opportunity why not and immediately after publicizees for a while, certainly inside also necessary my grape wine."
Zhang Yun Ling smiled to clap to clap hands, then said:"The very bold viewpoint is indeed as expected your style of enemy landlord, sound brave of make people frightened, luckily although I am a little bit old,the body bone still goes and have no drive you to frighten to pour."
My don't care said by Zhang Yun Ling, I be just care Zhang Yun Ling exactly ability how much come, words like this I can arrange next plan.
I looking at Zhang Yun Ling to say:"That if Zhang Lao's landlord you agree of words, we draw up a clerk, don't know that what problem Zhang Lao's landlord still has to have no?"
My at heart is dark to scold, this old fox, just returned the approval of one face, have already broken an agreement again now!Zhang Yun Ling looking at me to smile for a while, then said:"The old man decision gives you 500,002 more silvers again, as for the clerk's affair, I will let piece truly draw up good send to your home a , this enemy landlord you trust."
Added 500,002, my at heart a pleased, indeed as expected is that the wealth atmosphere is thick, 500,002 silvers freely can promise, I hurriedly say:"If Zhang Lao's landlord didn't occupy, at under returned to prepare, once the silver of etc. Zhang Lao's landlord arrive, we enter upon an opening, and after all time don't wait a person."
Zhang Yun Ling also drive my rapid mood to be infected, he looking at me to say:"I this time come to city teacher don't take out so many silvers, only 200,000 many two flowers sell on the body, I return can in the guild adjust a degree for a while, estimating can draw out 500,002 is to absolutely have no problem, and I have already sent a person to return to in home in Shanxi, silver after half month can all carry, the enemy landlord has no problem there?"
500,002 silvers calculate in my heart, the wine shop in the oneself country villa can temporarily go fetch to use for a while, and the worker of inside is also relatively all what he or she cans believe, and bodega in also still have many fragrance extract, these can temporarily go fetch to use, certainly I will mark down price to calculate in this business.
Is thin to calculate down, these 500,002 silvers can have a to most likely fall in my hand, in this way my hand in have the silver to can adjust a degree again.
I certainly had no problem, so I answer to say:"No problem, however have some material in my country villa, can use to start work, however price ……"
If Zhang Yun Ling raises to interrupt me, then say:"Wait wide Tai to come, you negotiate this affair, old man waited to accept silver at the end of the year, ha ha."
I also accompanied to smile two, suddenly I stop descend laughter, looking at Zhang Yun Ling to ask a way:"Zhang Lao's landlord, there being an affair me is very curious, exactly is what let Zhang Lao's landlord you thus bent on bring together me and Zhang Ying Ying?"
Zhang Yun Ling saw my one eye, then said:"Enemy landlord although you are very excellent, in old man's eyes, you will never be an oriole oriole as well of good go together with, only someone insists on to want to bring together you and the oriole oriole, the old man is just given by person."
The words that hear Zhang Yun Ling, I finally know originally this affair back true someone
"Does the head assist to open widely a person?"I inquire about.
Is one to grant an age but just very tiny on smiling, then say:"Wait he to want to let at the time that you knew, your nature would understand him is who."
Zhang Yun Ling's attitude makes me some unable to decide, original to the person of backstages is Zhang Ju Ya just already iron letter doubt not, but see to me seeming to be false now.

Chapter 205 makes a contract

However have an affair I can probably affirm, that be back Related articles:

