
beats by dr dre pro ant that Wu Yao take

Order, this made local nobilities all panic hand and foot.
Although it is said orderany medium write can't narrow own territory and revenue from tax clearly, but these all just superficial can see of, if once lost oneself to belong to the words of territory at first, will be like the fish of leaving water, but if stubbornly leave not to walk, that criminal charges that will carry on the back to up defy order, this will behead, besides orderany medium have no the place of absurdity, the reason really didn't don't leave, so would get together to think a way.
"Who would have thought that grant that the force incredibly gives us come to this hand Yin of, miscalculate, seeing to him really would not° until spare no one us is pleased" Su Be prosperous to is to shake first at this time, however the Hou sighs a way:"Now we once the words that change territory, that problem can Be getting bigger, our old feeses not only could not accept first, connect new territory temporarily three engrave can not take either, don't even say to want to clear up accounts property before leaving territory, report to report more little all suffer a los all is us.
And don't know that you have and discover, we will receive of the territory isn't what detailed gathers together out, be oneself have the mutual commutation of enmity, only need to order a rules doesn't know and spend how many times, if grant that the force greatly moves breeze to us once again by that times, I think with Hou probably connect fees to accept don't accept of arrive to all become a problem"
"That how should the Mo do?"Hear once prosperous this Mo of Su analyze and lead into all nobility dismays right away and toward him to inquire a counterplan in succession.
In fact receive to grant a martial order he has already thought many methods as well and and sees the situation in nowadays at present, the Su prosperous corner of mouth secretly peeps out an evil smile at this time, however this is just the matter for an instant, the nobody discovers, however Hou then once the facial expression change and use heavily tone to say:"See to remaining a road to go ……"
"Su is old, don't hold in suspense, say quickly!"The nobilities press a way at this time.
Su is prosperous to is a wreath first to attend to owner at this time, however the Hou far off the mark ground to say:"This road son has a little insurance, momentary three engrave, I also can not remember clearly Chu, so ……"
The present nobility isn't a fool either, certainly listen to implications in it at this time, so many people all intend that privately coming to seek Su is prosperous to ask understand, at that moment many people excuse to leave in succession, leaves some heads to turn however come of the nobility continue to worry Su prosperous, just through divide which is person Hou who can cooperate, then elaborate of several answers the body Be unwell to give° these people to please to return to.
"Father's adult did business together for Shi Mo just not leaving those people?This is the rare opportunity!"At finish sending most Hou is a nobility Hou, Su's south doesn't understand that the ground asks.
"I don't say for the Shi Mo, you want first"
At this time Su is prosperous don't directly answer his question but want Su's south why want first and do so, but Su south come to think to don't think that Su's diagram that the ground towards one side asks:"Is the eldest brother a Shi Mo?"
"You ah~even brains all motionless for a while in the future how does the Mo do important event?"Drive Su south once this Mo ask, Su the diagram head go toward house seamy side for a while Hou, say:"We in say"
When 3 people return to sit quietly Hou inside the house, the Su diagram openings says:"Younger brother, I miss father's adult of so this Mo do, is want to divide first which persons can cooperate which don't go, after all these nobilities are uneven, doing the important event must seek brains a little bit vivid of, just most the Hou walked of those were to respond to don't come over, certainly must eliminate first, go to Wu we wanted to cooperate of the object is those walk first and of the Hou will turn head to seek us of person, because these people have already listenned to the idea in the adult words of a father"
The words make reference to this, Su's diagram is used to confirm tone to toward Su prosperous ask:"Father's adult is so?"
"Right" Su is prosperous to first is satisfied that the location nods, however the Hou says at this time:"Having must necessarily have been already lost, those people who walk first probably have already guessed to use more vigorous means would succeed, but even if oneself has intention to a wish, but at that Mo many human faces before and don't know is an enemy is under the circumstance of friend if the viewpoint that reveals an oneself, perhaps someone comes to send secret message isn't a mess?So still keep keeping a point, the person who after all know is more little, that successful opportunity is more high, carefully drive ten thousand years the ship is this truth"
"BE so ah!"By Su once prosperous this Mo explain, Su's south ashamedly grasps a head and use sorry the ground tone says:"Originally I think too in brief, almost bad matter, with Hou I will notice!However father's adult"
"Mo how?"
"Now our anti- of words, will can't become nervous to order?After all in addition to ourselves, whom haven't taken to be online ……."
"Ha ha ha~~ who say to have no of" hears the words Hou of the south of Su, Su is prosperous to say with a smile:"You are your grandfather with I am here how many decades come to Shi Mos don't do?Telling you didn't also relate to, anyway also the that time waited.
Now original row gram old nobility in, have exceed a half all above is this project of member, go to the Wu come over today of the nobilities then remain of another half, however shine on today's condition to see, 22 mutually add Hou, shoulding have 70% above nobility will join us.
Because they know, as long as grant that the force reigns and continue to make to descend like this of words, of the day will be more difficult to lead that future, go to Wu territory exchange of the matter is also the fuse that forces them to the place of doom, now these nobility everyone from the Wei, I see as long as at push them a , that for the important event arrive settle, I see to grant by that time force that boy how should the Mo do!Ha ha ha"
Half month Hou, second especially orchid lift the old nobility of Si to start spreading to grant that Wu Yao takes back all nobility privileges to still have the nobilities the news for wanting everyone objection, therefore make whole country top and bottom agitated, even was subjected to the businesses of thin Nice gambling city to influence, so the top officer guards also return to stabilize a popular support in momentary, after all there is second the orchid lift Si future capital especially, can not have any surprised occurrence.
However at have no any evidence under, grant the force also doesn't dare with the light heart, didn't have any reaction to this matter, because so will on the contrary will let the popular support float more, but, is granting a text so much and over the Yan show still stay in the temple, so right away Zhao they come an amount of company counterplan.
"Eldest sister-in-law,beats by dr dre pro, you changed territory, this project to seem to be wrong last time, so far, they not only connected the evidences that wanted to move all have no, and rumor says that they want to rebel together, now we how should the Mo do just good?"At this time at inside hall, grant that anxiously the Wu Yong's tone asks.
"I have already once said, opposing person's kindness is cruel to he or she"
At this time finish a Yan show first is sigh a , however the Hou says:"Was previous and then once saided to send a person to assassinate with you to is the best method, you didn't listen to, can like now, they have already had preparation, even if want now that beginning is also useless, originally exchanged territory to is the method for looking for the second best, asked for fire now these nobilities, I think to be in addition to being first one-step to begin suppression to give° them to uproot, having no the another way can think"
"But they didn't°yet be anti-!"Hear the answer Hou of finishing the Yan show, the over Yan Zhen cross-examines a way:"If begin first, isn't a give people basis for gossip?Say we are ungrateful to want to deal with these all of the gossips of nobilities that once supported to grant that the force ascends scepter to are true, that by that time not is have a reason to also can not remember clearly?"
"To ah, show son" grants at this time that the text also adds ground to say:"After all these nobility Shi the Mo haven't done, begin like this, really say however go to!"
" Don't would not° until waiting until them already soldier face city bottom you be satisfied with?"
Finish a Yan show to use to slightly take a Nu idea at the moment and toughly the tone say:"From the thou up to now, any revolt to all have omen, if a gentleman king have no the words of resolution, that only waits to change toward the of changing the generation.
In those early years although my father knew an uncle and Lyu the green letter early had revolting day, is also because of softhearted have no first one step begin, would result in eastern pure internal rebellion as a result put out a country, at present the same situation has once again occurrence, I how can helplessly follow you closely heavy does the Tao reply Zhe?I have already once haded experience that loses close relatives, I don't want to take place again for the second time, in no circumstances I would not° until you promise to send army suppression go today!"
The tone that hears finish a Yan show to use thus heavy, grant force they Related articles:

